
The Dream Match & WWE vs Tekken Officially Cancelled

The Dream Match Cancelled- When and Why?

The Dream Match is cancelled. It was originally cancelled in February, 2013. The reason is the loss of all game data due to the hard drive, which contained it, dying. There is no planned revision and the only playable data released online is the DEMO Version which you can still find on the 'download' page.

WWE vs Tekken Cancelled- When and Why?

WWE vs Tekken is cancelled. It was originally cancelled in January, 2013. It was cancelled because Kashif Bhatti had done his job on the game and it was now Ritvick Khanna's part. However, RK delayed the project further and further and in the end, refused to finish it. There is no planned revision and this is the end of the project. The game, however, WAS released. But it was a beta release, with a patch that fixed bugs following the release coming out along with DLC characters, all which can still be downloaded on the 'download' page.

CEO & Founder, ~Muhammad Junaid~

Muhammad Junaid

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